February 05, 2014

♣ ♣ ♣ My First Post ♣ ♣ ♣

I am not usually one for blogging, especially about my personal life or any current conflicts I might be having. Not that that's going to change, either - I think there's a time and place for that. I think it's more productive to post about things that are fun and positive, especially if a bunch of people may end up looking at it!

I'm a young working professional who loves trying and learning new things. I have an immense drive to find hobbies and crafts that will help me expel pent-up creative energy, and more importantly, de-stress from all the complications that make up life by indulging in simple pleasures. And while I have several online venues where I share my hobbies and creations online, I thought maybe one place where I can sum up everything together and display it all in one place would be nice. And thus, my blog is born in the year 2014! 

So what kinds of things do I do, and like? 
First and foremost, I draw. Started when I was a kid, haven't stopped since, and am fortunate enough to be working professionally as an artist. My true love though, resides in anime and manga. Oh, and gaming. Lots and lots of gaming. (Can't really call that a hobby, as it's more-so an obsession :P) 

When I'm not drawing, I like making things, with various materials. I like to make things with polymer clay:

I also like to work with paper, and make things like handmade cards and paper sculptures. 

I occasionally sew (other than fixing missing buttons and holes in my clothes). 
Nothing fancy, sometimes I like to make little pouches or other similar things for myself. 

Outside of my study, my other great love is cooking - particularly, baking. It's a hobby at most, but I like to challenge myself and make difficult things I've never made before... you know, just to see if I can do it or not. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't... but it's always fun. XD I have this bad habit of not taking a lot of photos of the final product though, and thus, my friends have to do it for me when I arrive to the party with it. :P 
(photo by Dan Quinlivan)

(photo by Derek Liu)

(photo by Rosann Yip)

I also have random bouts of nostalgia for Korean food, having been raised on it during my childhood but not being able to get the really good stuff where I live. In the past few years I've spent more time learning how to make Korean food so I can scratch my own itch, so to speak.

Kimchi, the culinary treasure of my people. Kimchi is one of those things where the more I make it and the younger I start, the better I will get. I imagine my kimchi will be stellar by the time I'm age 65. 

Traditional Korean ginger twist cookies, called Maejakgwa. I was inspired to make these when I saw a character making them in a Dong-Yi @ Crunchyroll I was watching at the time. XD

Amongst all of this glorious food though, I also prioritize my fitness, both in terms of exercise and nutrition. Other than the baking (hey, what can I say?) I also try to find new and creative ways to make healthy and nutritious meals. I am aiming for a 4-pack and to be toned everywhere, so you may see posts regarding that occasionally here. 

Healthy omelet with
Eggbeaters, various vegetables, low-fat cheese, and half of a pink grapefruit. Breakfast of champions!

Me, myself, and I: always a work-in-progress. 

Whaaaat, there's more? Yeah, there's more. And this last hobby of mine ties a lot of my previous ones together, and that is gardening. Nothing beats making a healthy salad with vegetables you grew yourself, or making strawberry jam or from strawberries picked that very morning from your own backyard.

Last year's summer strawberries!

Heirloom tomatoes.

Green onions of prehistoric proportions.

My first potato harvest! Digging up potatoes after patiently waiting for 4 months is like digging for treasure. 

I think that just about sums me up. There are more smaller, less frequent things I do, and sometimes I simply do nothing at all. But you know... life is short and there's so much to do, so I just do it all.

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